Support the Foundation

Support us

There are several options for donating. Choose the one that is right for you and know that 100 percent of your donations will help the Vittorio Polli and Anna Maria Stoppani Foundation support its various ongoing projects and initiatives. The Vittorio Polli and Anna Maria Stoppani Foundation is a private entity and was also created to support the sustenance and action of the Polli Stoppani ONLUS Foundation, a Museum of the Valley that has been operating for more than forty years in the Bergamo area; in that of the Brembana Valley and Zogno specifically.

Giving Your Way

Ogni donazione è fondamentale per realizzare la nostra missione. You can donate directly to our Foundation or donate to our “sister” Foundation, the Polli Stoppani ONLUS Foundation. Thank you for your contribution!

Available Methods

Regardless of the way you chose to make a donation,
we are grateful for your solidarity and support.

Credit Card

You can make a donation to us, single or recurring using your credit card through PayPal or by using it directly. To do so, press the donation button below.


Use the following information when donating by check. Checks from other countries should be issued in negotiable Euros on European banks; this speeds up the process and reduces expensive collection fees from international banks.

DOCUMENT SENTED BY MAIL REQUIRING SIGNATURE: For mailings requiring a signature for delivery, use the address below:

Payee: Vittorio Polli and Anna Maria Stoppani Foundation
Address: Vittorio Polli and Anna Maria Stoppani Foundation Via San Giacomo 9 24129, Bergamo, (BG)
Note: If you like, please give us your name and contact information so we can contact you. Donation NOT deductible unless accompanied by the words Emergenza Covid-19.

Payee: Polli Stoppani Foundation ONLUS
Address: Fondazione Polli Stoppani ONLUS, Museo della Valle Via Mazzini 3 24019, Zogno, (BG)
Note: Please give us your name and contact information so we can contact you and send you the donation receipt, which is useful for tax purposes.

PLEASE NOTE: To take advantage of tax benefits, in addition to the summary of donations made during the year issued by the Polli Stoppani ONLUS Foundation, you will also need to keep a photocopy of the bank check.

Bank Transfer

To transfer funds to VPAMS Foundation or Polli Stoppani ONLUS Foundation, submit to your bank or use the following information:

Payee: Vittorio Polli and Anna Maria Stoppani Foundation
Bank: Banco BPM S.p.A. Code.
IBAN: IT13 K050 3411 1090 0000 0000 392
Reason: Liberal donation to support social purposes (or specific project).

Note: Donation NOT deductible unless accompanied by the words Emergency Covid-19. Please give us your name and contact information so we can contact you and send you thanks and donation receipt.

Payee: Polli Stoppani Foundation ONLUS
Bank: Banco BPM – Credito Bergamasco IBAN Code: IT70 J050 3453 7900 0000 0011 951
Cause: Liberal donation to support social purposes (or specific project).
Note: Deductible donation Please give us your name and contact information so we can contact you and send you thank you donation receipt, useful for tax purposes.

PLEASE NOTE: In the case of a donation by Bank Transfer, in order to take advantage of the tax benefits, in addition to the summary of donations made during the year issued by the Polli Stoppani ONLUS Foundation, you will also need to keep a copy of the accounting.

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